About Bogdan Crudu

Bogdan Crudu is a former business legal consultant turned programmer. Before that he was actively involved in leading the family business: a vertically integrated FMCG business which spearheaded and revolutionised the local marketplace with its innovative business practices.

“Moving from a legal background to the computer science field wasn’t easy but it was worth the effort because I got to see the major difference that exists between more humanistic fields and the scientific domains.” – said Bogdan.

Because of his professional experience he got to work with people on both ends of the spectrum, giving him a plethora of valuable experience when it comes to motivating and working with employees in diverse working environments.

By taking his somewhat native leadership skills and polishing them by trial of fire in daily business context and also by being mentored by business leaders in the USA and Canada. 

What struck Bogdan the most was the level of mismanagement of valuable tech employees existing in companies. According to him: “One of the most precious and scarce resources a company has is its technical employees, and with the passage of time it becomes harder and harder to get and especially retain top techies. A new way of leadership is needed if you want your tech company to thrive in the future and not just resist.”

Because of that, when he was invited by Andrei to start the Techie Leadership Show together, he jumped at the opportunity to bring his wealth of knowledge and share it with as many interested people as possible. 

To find out more checkout Bogdan Crudu on LinkedIn.