Buying a cow and paying for it with it’s own milk – with Harvey Brody – Bonus episode

In this episode you can hear Harvey Brody and Andrei talk about the importance of finding legal and ethical money making opportunities, the true role of a college degree, the importance of a cookie cutter and how a business career can start at 12 years old.

Some value points you can expect:

  • The importance of legal, ethical and appropriate approach to business
  • The true role of a college degree
  • The best education comes from working with and for successful people
  • Buying a cow and paying for it with it’s own milk
  • The invention of the Spud Gun
  • How business lessons can be imprinted from as young as 12 years old
  • Stay close to ethic people and far away from crooks
  • Beware of people who would through you under the bus
  • Be a leader if you can or choose a leader you can work with
  • The importance of a cookie cutter
  • Legal ethical money making activities
  • The profitability of proprietary, patentable and trade marketable property

Book Recommendations:

The Story of Civilization; 11 Volume Set

Any book by Will Durant

Harvey is the author of:

You can only find Harvey’s course materials and books on ebay, especially his world acclaimed views and pointers on establishing Toll Positions.

You can reach out to Harvey on:


P.s: Only if you really really want to, and if you really really insist, you can donate on patreon:

Please enjoy our show!


leadership, leadership tips, podcast

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