Q: What do you do?

A: We help managers of technical people better understand the needs of their direct reports so as to create a working environment where they can thrive while being highly productive.

Q: What is your experience leading people?

A: We have a combined leadership experience of 37 years, having worked in a variety of industries, from low to high-tech. So we know what it implies working with highly technical people and how it differs from working with regular employees.

Q: Why do you interview tech thought leaders and tech company leaders?

A: Because we want to bring as broad a perspective on what it means to lead and work with technical people in different fields. Plus, no lessons are more valuable than the life lessons learned the hard way on the benches of business & entrepreneurship.

Q: Why did you create techieleadership.com?

A: Because we realised there was a mismatch between the classical leadership advice shared everywhere and the type of leadership required to create a productive work environment when leading technical people.

Q: What sort of questions do you ask on your show?

A: The shows follow a predetermined format with a series of anchor questions guiding us during the show. That way the guests know what to expect and the listeners know the kind of information they will receive in each show. Ofcourse, during our conversation, depending on the answers to the standard questions new questions can appear that will take the conversation in new and interesting directions.

Q: Do you help your guests prep before the show?

A: Yes we do. In fact we send all our guests the milestone questions we will ask them and also a short document on how to best maximise their presence on our show. This small pocketbook describes exactly how to give the performance of a lifetime and really wow the public with your presence on the show.

Q: How much does it cost to appear as a guest on your show?

A: Nothing. It is our pleasure to have you as long as you qualify. To find out more checkout: how to be a guest on the techie leadership show.