How To Become A Guest On The Techie Leadership Show

The Techie Leadership Podcast is an online show dedicated to bringing real world advice on how to best lead & inspire techies… all from the people in the trenches: the business leaders of technical enterprises.

With that in mind if you are one of those battle tested leaders of a technical company, do reach out to us to get on the show. Your valuable input is appreciated by our loyal listeners.

If this is your first interview we’ll guide you step by step through the process. What’s more, we won’t publish anything without getting your acceptance first. Some might say we are the perfect starting place on getting publicity for yourself and your company.

And if you’re an experienced interviewee, then you’ll feel like a fish in water. At home having fun sharing interesting leadership stories and tips. 

Plus we’ll send you the list of questions you’ll be asked during the interview so as to calm down any of the remaining nerves. The goal is for us to have fun and enjoy ourselves during our friendly conversation.

Sure, some “surprise” questions may appear during the interview but only because the conversation was taken there by you. You are in total control of the interview at all times.

So what more are you waiting for? Reach out to us to schedule an interview. Now, mind you: not all people that contact us are selected to appear on our show. We have a simple but rigorous process of vetting the people who appear on the show. Still if you feel you are an awesome leader with interesting stories/lessons from the trenches, do give us a call at:

+353 (1) 254 4215

See you on the show. Take care.
