You don’t have to hold a position in order to be a leader. ~Anthony J. D’Angelo, The College Blue Book
A lot of facets of human nature and behavior can be re-discovered and understood simply by looking at children and how they interact with the world. One such thing that becomes very apparent with children is their behavior in groups and how they interact with each other.
And the most fascinating behavior is how children choose their leaders. Since children have no concept of status, wealth or privilege – all things that have to be taught and learned – all they can ever base their choice on is behavior and action. And funny enough, in each group all participants take turns leading in one scenario or another until everyone gets a turn, and then the cycles repeat faster and faster until one member of the group emerges as the best predisposed to take up leadership.
He or she might be the most quick witted, or have the most fun game ideas, or even simply be the most charismatic.
And although as we grow older and society “corrupts us” more and more and we develop a taste for structure and hierarchy, bottom line is, those who act as leaders and have the most success doing so are the ones that are attributed the leadership role most often.
You all know at least one person you can turn to for advice, and in the working environment during times of crisis, you all know who is the one person best to consult before taking action.