In this episode you can hear Karl and Andrei talk about:
You cannot do real science and expect quit results, or quick returns. Leadership much like science requires a lot of failures before you can achieve success, but the trick is to recognize you are not perfect, and that’s ok.
One quirky fact that popped out is how mob bosses in the criminal underworld are even more dependent on good soft skills and communication.
Some value points you can expect:
- Why quick results and science have no correlation
- Why you should have more failures than success stories especially early one
- You know you are exceptional when you are recognized as such
- Why even drug cartels need good leadership
- Being a mobster boss is all about keeping the peace
- Soft skills are even more important in the underworld
- The need to be self critical
- You are not perfect, and that’s ok
- Lessons from conscripts: How people strive to do just the bare minimum
- Why conscripts paint a full diverse picture of society
Book recommendations
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Please enjoy our show!