The strength of your entire chain of operation is set by your weakest link

Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior people  – John D. Rockefeller 

The entirety of you chain of command and chain of operations hinges on the strength of your weakest link. In my professional experience it has been made abundantly clear that by far the scarcest resource worldwide is good competent people. 

You will have a hard time attracting and employing competent people, and this is normal. This is the exact same problem each and everyone of us face in our business ventures. 

As such, the only thing that sets successful businesses apart isn’t just the number of highly qualified and highly competent people in their employ, but how well their average workers do. 

As a leader, it falls onto you to lift up the value of your most average people. You must spend the time and think through strategies, cookbooks, trainings, onboarding programs and also the necessary means to correctly evaluate performance.

In a 100 man strong company, bringing up the yield of your most competent person by 30% can only do so much, but bringing up the yield of all the rest of your people by just 10% can bring you more success than you can fathom. 

Business, much like life, is a numbers game. So besides the time and effort you spend on your top performers, look into ways you can slightly improve the results of your average performers. Since they are the majority, even the slightest improvement in the way they handle their tasks will ripple through your bottom line.


chief, leadership quotes

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