Why pain is so important

Successful leaders see the opportunities in every difficulty rather than the difficulty in every opportunity. – Reed Markham

Problems are profit, it’s as simple as that. If a person is in enough pain they will part with as much money as they have just to make that pain go away.

If you found yourself the victim of a car crash on a highway, bleeding out on the side of the road with bones sticking out and so much pain that you might just pass out, but don’t, and the ambulance rolls over and out comes a young twenty something paramedic are you going to ask them where they went to school and what qualifications they have or are you gonna beg for help?

Problems are simply profit waiting to happen. If you have a prospect with enough pain and you can offer them a legit cure for their pain, money is never an option. And leaders know this.

And it doesn’t stop just with strangers. A good leader knows his team and knows himself. He knows his people’s pains and knows how to paint the company goal as an ailment to their pain. He also knows his own pain and knows to use it to motivate himself to move forward.

Pain is a great motivator, and success gained over that pain is a great reminder that moving forward and overcoming it is the greatest success life can ever bring.


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