TL&DR – The an answer is neither, officially, but in truth it’s a blend of both, kind of. To better understand we need to analyze all 3 points with some general pros and cons   Being feared:  Pros: People listen to what you say and always pay attention to what you do. When you make Continue reading…


Seriously. All high achievers scribble and write stuff down, whether a list of daily tasks or just simple reminders. Notes taken can range from something as simple as “pick up milk & eggs on the way home” to stuff like “call the bank manager after lunch”. There are multiple ways to do this, and as Continue reading…


The herd is as fast as its slowest member. And you need to think of your company as a herd. Each department being a member of the herd. So, you could say that your company can only grow as fast as the slowest developing department. But that is not all. This metaphor can be applied Continue reading…


We ask much of our teams and we ask much of our employees. Indeed in most cases we are justified and in most cases we receive the expected behavior, but often times we are left sorely disappointed by the behavior expected of others. Tardy arrivals at work, disorganized work ethics or a disproportion of effort Continue reading…


There was a young boy named David. Little David was a preschooler, still in kindergarten. David was a normal happy healthy young boy with normal happy healthy young boy habits. But during his very first year in kindergarten, actually during his very first two months a problem became apparent to his family. During dinner time Continue reading…


The thrill… the fear of commanding and being responsible for a group of people. Sure, it’s not like in the army where their lives depend on your decisions. But still… as a business leader the livelihood of the people working for you is in your hands. Now before we move forward, a small caveat needs Continue reading…


Think of your favorite professor from your formative years. This might have been from college, high school or even as far back as childhood. I ask this of many people I interact with and one of the most common reasons for a nominalization is always that “the teacher knew their stuff and was very good Continue reading…


Leadership might be a one way street, but it is undoubtedly a two way process. One cannot effectively lead people that refuse to accept it. Although there is a slight chance that some people are ill-willed and you cannot simply work with them, for the most part human beings are good natured. It’s just that Continue reading…