Leadership is action, not position.  ~Donald H. McGannon Leaders are made, they are not born. You’ve probably heard this before. And the reason this holds true is because of a so called “rite of passage”. All true leaders have the scars of their ascension as proof of their commitment to the field of leadership and Continue reading…


Sometimes it feels like it’s easier to find water in the Sahara desert than find a good employee. Many say that gold is a valuable resource, when in fact good people you can count on are the true scarce resource on this planet. And this is not due to the fact that there aren’t good Continue reading…


A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not.  ~Author Unknown Two college classmates and good friends reconnected after 10 years. They had similar tastes, similar occupations and similarly enough, they both started families and were fathers of boys. Both were absolutely fanatical about ice hokey even though – funny enough – neither Continue reading…


Number One is “el Jefe” at his cybersecurity consultancy. He worked hard to build the business up. Hired only the best and brightest employees he could find (and aford). Business was booming. Just the other day he received the green light on a new project. He’d been talking with the biggest bank in Germany to Continue reading…


A chief is a man who assumes responsibility.  He says “I was beaten,” he does not say “My men were beaten.”  ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery People tend to row better and in unison when they know they are in the same boat together. As such, always accept responsibility for the team shortcomings, not just the successes. Continue reading…


“David is just a waste of electricity inside the office. All he does ALL DAY is just hang around the office, make some calls… and rarely get involved. I would not be surprised if he gets the axe during the next review round” – said Tim during a coffee break with his colleagues Jim and Continue reading…


And what a powerful difference it is. But the “elephant in the room” so to speak regarding this difference is not necessarily a difference in leadership, ergo a difference between how a boss and a leader behaves. The difference is in perception. How you are perceived by your crowd, team, subordinates, colleagues and peers can Continue reading…


TL&DR – the thing any leader worth their salt must absolutely do – without exception – if they wish to secure respect and generate good will is this: Admit they are wrong when they are wrong.  A great leader isn’t great by being infallible. No human being is, nor ever will they be while retaining Continue reading…